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Tha uidh Brittany a gluasad bho fasan gu ealan. After the family compliment her work, Brittany looks towards a future in the art world.

Tha Brittany a gluasad a h-霉idh bho fasan gu ealan 's i coimhead ri h-obair a thaisbeanadh ann an gailearaidh. Ge-t脿, chan e a h-obair fh猫in a tha a' faighinn cli霉, ach an obair a chaidh a mhilleadh le mearachd air an t-slighe.

Brittany decides to shift her focus from fashion to art and looks to display her work in a gallery. However, it isn't really her own work that ends up on display but a piece that was accidentally 'destroyed' on the way.

11 minutes
