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Houston 'just beginning storm response'

Authorities have intentionally released more water into the flooded city of Houston, Texas, to prevent reservoirs bursting with an uncontrollable surge.

Houston has battened down the hatches once again as the authorities intentionally release more water into the deluged city. They say it's the only way to prevent the reservoirs bursting with an uncontrollable surge. We'll have the latest. In India, the self-styled Godman has been told he'll serve 20 years for rape. Dozens more women have come forward to report abuse. His supporters say he's been framed. As a tense stand off continues, we'll ask what happens to the sect now. And a shocking case of cannibalism in South Africa - and hear from the former teacher of the men accused.
Picture: : Stranded vehicles sit in high water in Houston.
Credit: Getty.

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  • Mon 28 Aug 2017 22:00
