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Episode 4

Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween present the best of the action from day one of the International Sheep Dog Trial in Aldsworth.

Air a' chiad latha de dh'fharpais Eadar-n脿iseanta nan Con-chaorach tha Catriona Nic a' Ph矛 agus D貌mhnall MacSuain anns an Aldsworth sna Cotswolds airson a' chuid as fhe脿rr den fharpais a thoirt thugaibh. Le Farpais N脿iseanta an h-Alba seachad, anns a' phr貌gram seo tha ar n-aire a' tionndadh chun fharpais eadar-n脿iseanta. Air aoigheachd ann an Sasainn am bliadhna, tha i ga cumail ann am P脿irce Lodge ann an Gloucestershire.

Cuideachd sa phr貌gram, bidh sinn a' bruidhinn ri Dick Roper, ceann-suidhe Shasainn agus neach-aoigheachd Farpais Eadar-n脿iseanta na bliadhna seo, airson faighinn a-mach d猫 tha f脿gail an achaidh seo cho freagarrach airson farpais den mheud seo.

Bidh sinn cuideachd a' dol cuairt do sg矛re iomallach de Northumberland airson coinneachadh ris an l脿imhsiche Emma Grey. Innsidh i dhuinn c貌 ris a tha e coltach a bhith nad bhana-ch矛obair 貌g agus mar a tha e a' c貌rdadh rithe a bhith tr猫anadh an fhichead c霉 a th' aice.

It's day one of the International Sheep Dog Trial and presenters Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween are in Aldsworth in the Cotswolds to bring you the best of the action from the contest.

With the Scottish National competition complete, we turn our attention to the international event, hosted at Lodge Park in Gloucestershire. Among the competitors are Welsh handler Nigel Watkins and his dog Alex, who make a great start to the competition.

We also speak to English president and host of the year's International Trial, Dick Roper, to find out what makes this field ideal for a competition of this size. We also take a trip to a remote part of Northumberland to meet handler Emma Gray. She tells us what it's like to be a young shepherdess and the joys of training her 20 dogs.

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Catriona MacPhee
Presenter Donald MacSween
