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Ruairidh Alastair MacLennan explores health and lifestyle issues in Scotland today. This episode sees him investigate the drinking culture amongst young people today.

Tha Ruairidh Alastair MacIllFhinnein a'sgr霉dadh mar a tha feadhainn dhen 貌igridh a'dalladh air 貌l. Tha m貌ran dhi霉 a'smaoineachadh gun e an daorach ceum air an t-slighe gu inbheachd - ach tha cunnartan na chois, a thig tr脿th no anmoch. A bheil beachdan ag atharrachadh? Cluinnidh e d猫 tha daoin' 貌ga a'ciallachadh le dol air an daorach - agus innsidh dotair dha ciamar a tha an saoghal meadaigeach ga fhaicinn. Bruidhnidh e ri neach a tha ag obair leis an 貌igridh, agus tadhlaidh e air taidh-gr霉ide far am faic e d貌igh eile air blas deoch-l脿idir fheuchainn agus 貌l gu rianail.

Ruairidh Alastair MacLennan investigates the drinking culture amongst young people today. Many consider binge drinking to be part of growing up, but for some there are short or long-term dangers. Are attitudes changing? He finds out the difference between the perceived definitions of binge drinking amongst young people and the medical definition from a GP. As well as talking to a youth worker, he visits a craft brewery to see an alternative way of drinking and appreciating alcohol.

15 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Ruairidh MacLennan
