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A’ Lorg Daolag-bhreac

While out exploring with May and Mossy, Baba finds an extra-special gift to bring to Oona.

Chan eil Oona a’ faireachdainn gu math ‘s mar thoradh, chan fhaigh i dhol a shealg nan daolagan-breaca cuide ri May, Mossy ‘s Baba! Ge-tà, tha Baba gus dèanamh cinnteach gum faigh i bhith an sàs san spòrs.

Oona isn’t feeling very well and so she has to stay at home while May, Mossy and Baba go looking for ladybirds! However, Baba has a plan up his sleeve that will still let Oona be part of the adventure!

7 minutes
