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Seo an Sàmhradh a’ Tighinn

Tha an sgioba gus èirigh na grèine a choimhead còmhla, ach chan eil sgeul air Mossy! The crew meet to watch a special sunrise together, but there’s no sign of Mossy!

‘S e àm grian-stad an t-samhraidh a th’ ann ‘s tha an sgioba airson èirigh na grèine a choimhead còmhla. Ge-tà, chan eil sgeul air Mossy ‘s e air tuiteam na chadal an-deidh a bhith a' cur air dòigh prèasant sònraichte do chach!

It’s the summer solstice and the gang have made plans to meet up and watch the sunrise together on this special day. However, there’s no sign of Mossy, who has fallen asleep after all his efforts organising a surprise for everyone!

8 minutes
