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Nerina Pallot

Episode 7 of 25

Na seallaidhean as fheàrr bhon fhèis chiùil le seinneadair agus sgriòbhadair Nerina Pallot. Nerina Pallot performs at Belladrum 2018.

Bheir Fiona NicCoinnich fàilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh air Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim bho 2018, le sùil air luchd-ciùil a’ chluich an Àrd-làir Garden air an oidhche mu dheireadh den fhèis air oighreachd Bhelladruim, faisg air a’ Mhanachainn. ’Se seinneadair ‘pop roc’ a Sasainn leis an ainm – Nerina Pallot a bha a’ cluich air beulaibh an t-sluagh sgoinneil a bha dannsa agus a’ seinn comhla ritha.

Fiona MacKenzie presents highlights from the 2018 Belladrum Tartan Heart music festival. This episode features Nerina Pallot, an English singer-songwriter with a rock-pop vibe. The Ivor Novello and Brit Award-nominated multi-talented musician played the final night of this year’s festival and her heavenly voice had the Belladrum crowd enraptured.

24 minutes
