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Sandrine (13) in France (1942) – Help for others and solidarity

Sandrine’s family helps persecuted Jews to escape from the Nazi regime. Suddenly her father gets arrested and the situation becomes very dangerous.

Sandrine's (13) father is the village pastor and is actively helping Jewish people to escape the Nazi regime. She shares her room with three refugees from Germany who are living with the family in hiding. When mother starts to share her things with the children too, it becomes too much for Sandrine. She wants to find her own voice again. Mother tells her how worried she is and about fears for her father, because even in southern France, Jews are being hunted down and those who help them are also putting themselves in danger.

Her mother responds to Sandrine with understanding but still makes it clear that she and her father have decided to help and not simply look the other way. Suddenly, Sandrine's father is arrested, and the situation becomes even more dangerous. The policeman Major Dubois makes Sandrine an offer: if she gives him the names and hiding places of the Jews, her father will be freed. Sandrine is facing a tough decision: does she continue on and risk her own life, or does she betray the refugees and thereby help her father.

The third episode is inspired by the true story of André and Magda Trocmé. Their life and that of their four children was defined above all by their faith, and by practical assistance or a pacifist-motivated resistance - using the 'weapons of the spirit'. André and Magda Trocmé not only organised shelter for Jewish refugees they also at times had refugees living with them in their own home.

Tha athair Sandrine's (13) na phears’-eaglais anns a’ bhaile aca agus tha e a’ cuideachadh Iùdhaich gus teicheadh bho bhuaidh nan Nadsaidhean. Tha triùir fhògarrach às a’ Ghearmailt air falach anns an rùm aig Sandrine ann an taigh an teaghlaich. An uair a thòisicheas a màthair a’ toirt tuilleadh dhen stuth aig Sandrine dhan chloinn eile, tha i a’ faireachdainn gu bheil seo dìreach cus. Tha i airson a guth fhèin a lorg a-rithist. Tha a màthair ag innse dhi mun uallach a tha oirre agus cho eagallach ’s a tha i mu athair Sandrine oir ann an ceann a deas na Frainge tha na h-Iùdhaich agus duine sam bith a tha gam falach ann an cunnart. Ged a tha a màthair tuigseach mu na faireachdainnean aig Sandrine tha i a’ dèanamh soilleir gu bheil i fhèin ’s a h-athair air co-dhùnadh na daoine a chuideachadh seach a bhith a’ coimhead an taobh eile. Tha an suidheachadh a’ fàs tòrr nas cunnartaiche nuair a thèid athair Sandrine a chur an greim. Tha am fear-poileas, am Màidsear Dubois, a’ toirt cothrom do Sandrine a h-athair a shaoradh, ma bheir i dhà ainmean agus àiteachan-falaich nan Iùdhach. Tha co-dhùnadh doirbh aig Sandrine ri dhèanamh: an cuir i a beatha fhèin ann an cunnart no an cuidich i a h-athair le bhi a’ trèigsinn nam fògarrach.

Tha an treas earrann stèidhichte air an stòraidh fhìor aig Andre agus Magda Trocme. Bha am beatha fhèin agus beatha an ceathrar chloinne air a bhonntachadh na ’n creideamh, agus air a misneachadh le taic bho bhuidheann strì a bha a’ sireadh sìth. Chan e a-mhàin gun do chuidich iad fògarraich Iùdhach a bha a’ lorg fasgadh, thug iad feadhainn a-steach dhan dachaigh aca fhèin cuideachd.

25 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Patsi MacKenzie
