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MOD 2019: La Mor nan Coisirean Duthchail

Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ toirt thugaibh farpaisean nan còisirean dùthchail.
Cathy MacDonald presents live competitions with rural choirs.

Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' toirt thugaibh dà fharpais beò bho Mhòd Ghlaschu. Air Latha Mòr nan Còisirean Dùthchail, bidh còisirean a’ strì airson nam prìomh dhuaisean - Sgiath Latharna a bhuannaich Còisir Ghàidhlig Mhealbhaich an uiridh agus Cuach Cuimhneachan an t-Siorraim MacMhaighstir Caimbeul a thog Bùrach an an 2018.

Còmhla ri Cathy san stiùidio, bidh dithis a’ toirt seachad am beachdan air na còisirean bhon dà fharpais. Anns a’ phrògram chì sinn cuideachd cò a choisinn Geall-dùbhlain Telebhisean Grampian agus an fharpais airson puirt-a-beul.

Cathy MacDonald presents live coverage of the choral competitions from the Royal National Mòd being held in Glasgow. The main competitions from the Royal Concert Hall will feature rural choirs battling to win the Lorn Shield and the Sheriff MacMaster Campbell Memorial Quaich. Last year Melvich Gaelic Choir won the Lorn Shield while Bùrach picked up the Sheriff MacMaster Campbell Memorial Quaich.

Along with Cathy to offer assessments on both competitions will be two analysts with a keen interest in, and knowledge of, choral music. The programme will also feature the winners of the Grampian Television Trophy and the best Puirt-a-beul rural choir.

3 hours, 30 minutes