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Garbh agus Rèidh

Kit and Pup are investigating the world of opposites. Today it's rough and smooth.

Thugainn a’ rannsachadh còmhla ri Piseag agus Cuilean! Tha Piseag & Cuilean ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn Garbh agus Rèidh. Tha iad a’ tòiseachadh an cuid rannsachaidh a’ rola-spèileadh sa phàirc. Tha Piseag a’ spèileadh air starran rèidh, ach tha duilgheadasan aig Cuilean ’s e feuchainn ri spèileadh air starran garbh. An uair sin, tha Piseag & Cuilean a’ lorg diofar uachdair rèidh agus gharbh. Le cuideachadh bho luchd-rannsachaidh òga, tha Piseag & Cuilean cuideachd a’ roinn nithean garbh agus nithean rèidh ann am buidhnean air leth. Am measg a’ bheothachaidh, tha abhocado garbh a’ tionndadh na pheur rèidh.

Let’s find out about the world with Kit and Pup! Kit and Pup are exploring the opposites rough and smooth. They start by rollerskating in the park. Kit is skating on the smooth path but pup is having difficulties skating on the rough, bumpy path. Kit and Pup then try and find as many rough and smooth surfaces as they can. In the live-action investigation Kit and Pup help the little investigators sort rough and smooth objects. And in the stop-motion moment a rough avocado transforms into a smooth pear.

5 minutes
