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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 8

RA explores the debate around trans people in sport. RA le ceistean ag èirigh as an deasbad mu dhaoine thar-ghin ann an saoghal spòrs.

Tha Ruairidh Alastair air ais le tuilleadh cheistean mu chùisean a tha a’ toirt buaidh air beatha dhaoine òga, agus tha e a’ sireadh fhreagairtean le bhith a’ còmhradh ri eòlaichean, ag èisteachd ri buill ar pannail agus a’ rannsachadh tron fhòn-làimhe aige is a thoinisg fhèin.
Sa phrògram seo tha aire air suidheachadh chleasaichean thar-ghin ann an saoghal spòrs. Ciamar a nì sinn cinnteach gu bheil farpaisean cothromach? Coinnichidh e ri fear thar-ghin a tha ag obair as leth daoine LGBTI a tha a’gabhail pàirt ann an spòrs. Tha Kerry Nic a’Phì a ghabh pàirt ann an geamaichean a Cho-fhlaitheis a’mìneachadh mar a dhùisg e còmhstrì a-measg farpaisich bhaidhseagail. Agus cluinnidh Ruairidh Alasdair bho eòlaiche ann am poileasaidh spòrs dè dh’fhaodadh a bhi romhainn. Tha am beachdan fhèin aig ar pannal òg.

Ruairidh Alastair is back with more questions about issues that affect the lives of young people, and he is seeking answers by talking with experts, listening to our panellists and researching using his mobile phone and his wits.

In this episode, Ruairidh Alasdair explores the question of trans athletes in sport. How do we ensure a level playing field? He meets a trans man and advocate for LGBTI participation in sport. Our panel of young people offer their opinions. Commonwealth athlete Kerry MacPhee discusses why it has been contentious in her sport – cycling. And Ruairidh Alastair finds out from an expert in sports policy what the future might hold.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

16 minutes

