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A'Leaghadh agus A'Reothadh

Kit and Pup investigate the world of opposites - today it’s melting and freezing.

Thugainn a’ rannsachadh còmhla ri Piseag agus Cuilean! Tha Piseag agus Cuilean ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn rudan a bhios A’ Leaghadh agus A’ Reothadh. Tha Cuilean air an tràigh ’s tha an reòiteag aige a’ leaghadh, ’s tha Piseag anns an t-sneachd le reòiteag reòthta. An uair sin, tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ lorg diofar rudan a tha a’ leaghadh agus a’ reothadh. Le cuideachadh bho neach-rannsachaidh òg, tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ sealltainn rudan a leaghas ann an teas agus rudan nach atharraich. Am measg a’ bheothachaidh tha reòiteag a’ leaghadh air bòrd.

Kit and Pup explore the opposites melting and freezing. Pup is at the beach with a melting ice cream and Kit is in the snow with a frozen ice lolly. Kit and Pup then try and find as many melting and freezing objects as they can. In the live action investigation, Kit and Pup help a little investigator discover which objects will melt and which will stay the same. And in the stop motion moment, an ice cream slowly melts onto a table.

5 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Matthew Gilmour Wright
Narrator Shreya MacKenzie Saul
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions
