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Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s magnets.

Thugainn a’ rannsachadh MHAGNAITEAN còmhla ri Piseag agus Cuilean! Tha Piseag agus Cuilean air magnait a’ lorg agus tha iad ga chleachdadh gus meatailt a tharraing. Ach, nuair a lorgas Cuilean magnait eile, tha iad ag ionnsachadh nach eil dà mhagnait an-còmhnaidh nas fheàrr na aonan. Tron rannsachadh aca, tha Piseag agus Cuilean ag ionnsachadh gu bheil magnaitean air an dèanamh à meatailt, gu bheil iad làidir agus gun urrainn dhaibh cuid a mheatailt a tharraing. Mar phàirt dhen sgrùdadh, tha dithis neach-rannsachaidh òga a’ cleachdadh slat-iasgaich mhagnaiteach son dearbhadh dè a’ mheatailt a tha magnaiteach. A bharrachd air an seo, tha lorgairean beaga bìodach a’ smèideadh bho oir magnait mòr.

Let’s find out about magnets with Kit and Pup, who have found a magnet and explore how it attracts a metal spatula. But when Pup finds a second magnet, they realise that two magnets are not necessarily better than one! Through their adventures, Kit and Pup find out that magnets are made of metal, are strong and attract some metals. In the live action investigation, two little scientists use a magnetic fishing rod to test which metals are magnetic and in the material world, two little explorers wave from the edge of a magnet.

5 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Matthew Gilmour Wright
Narrator Shreya MacKenzie Saul
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions
