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Episode 7

Episode 7 of 8

Ni crochet cuarain far nach robh ach buinn: ’s e cofhurtachd a chòrdas ri Shona Masson. Crocheting slippers from flip-flops, and other ideas to help you relax around the house.

Tha Shona Masson a’ cur roimhpe chan e mhàin gun lùghdaich ise an sgudal a thathar a’ caitheamh – ach gun cuir i dreach ùr feumail air ann an dòigh a chòrdas rithe.

Tha i a’ lorg seann bhuinn-bròige samhraidh ann am bùth charthannais an Glaschu, agus suas leatha gu Eilidh Lewsey a tha a’ dèanamh cuarain bhlàtha dhiù le crochet. Ni Shona fhèin cuisean bhog le seann dreas, agus treadha pocan-pònair – d’eile ach le pònair? Tha iad uile a’ cur ri faireachdainn cofhurtail am broinn an taighe.

Shona Masson is on a mission not only to reduce waste but to create exciting new things and have fun as she does it.

In this episode, Shona buys a pair of flip-flops from a charity shop in Glasgow and has them made into a pair of crocheted slippers by Eilidh Lewsey. She also produces a rag pillow from an old dress, and makes a bean bag tray - using real beans! All things to help you relax around the house.

29 minutes
