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Stephen Gibson leads an Elim Pentecostal service from City Church Cardiff as Dominic and Catherine De Souza reflect on Pentecost hope during lockdown.

City Church cardiff is normally a busy city centre church - one of the largest in Wales - and on Pentecost Sunday would be drawing together a global mix of worshippers young and old to celebrate a day of foundational importance to the denomination.

Living out a community life inspired by the Holy Spirit takes on new challenges in the context of Coronavirus. In a service led by Stephen Gibson, City church leaders Dominic and Catherine De Souza, plus members of the congregation, look at the hope offered by the Holy Spirit - especially when life does not go according to plan.

With music recorded at City Church prior to lockdown, including I Will Give Thanks, Breathe On Me Breath Of God, God I Look To You, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, You Are Here (Holy Ground), and Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.

38 minutes

Last on

Sun 31 May 2020 08:10


Item 1 - Welcome
Good morning and welcome! Today is Pentecost Sunday, when we celebrate God giving Christians His Holy Spirit to help the Church live out the message of Jesus Christ.聽
City Church Cardiff is an Elim Pentecostal Church - a growing and dynamic movement of more than 550 Christian congregations in the UK and Ireland which was founded by George Jeffreys, a young man from South Wales near the beginning of World War One. Today there are hundreds of Elim churches in over 40 nations around the world. Our local church is made up of people from all walks of life and over 50 nations and we love to declare the wonders of God in our worship. Normally Pentecost would be a vibrant celebration for our church family as we gather to pray for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.

During this time of global crisis, when our church cannot meet physically together, we have continued to gather online and worship in all sorts of creative ways. In today鈥檚 service we鈥檙e looking at how the Holy Spirit offers us comfort even in the most challenging circumstances.
We鈥檙e singing together today with music recorded before lockdown, and you鈥檒l hear that our songs are often joyful and express our gratitude to God for all of His goodness.

Item 2 - Song 1: I will give thanks 聽(主播大秀 CITY CHURCH RECORDING)

Item 3 -聽 Intro to Spoken word
That song was inspired by the words of Psalm 136: 鈥淕ive thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.鈥
We read in the book of Acts, chapter 2, that when the day of Pentecost came, the followers of Jesus 鈥渟aw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them.鈥澛

On the day of Pentecost, Jerusalem was filled with people from many nations of the ancient world 鈥 and they said in amazement: 鈥渨e hear them declaring the wonders of God in our languages!鈥澛

In our congregation there are a number of people involved with the arts. Actor Gruffydd Evans now expresses his worship creatively through a spoken word piece by scriptwriter Steven Quantick, giving voice to God鈥檚 love for the Church throughout history by the giving of His Holy Spirit.

Item 4 -聽 Spoken word聽
Logic would suggest that as history鈥檚 course has runSince this Church of Jesus Christ was established and begunBy all rights it should鈥檝e folded under persecution鈥檚 weightAnd the fractured families and friendships should have put an end to the journey of the Christian faith
But it owes its perseverance and tenacityTo a gathering of hearts and minds in an attic room in JerusalemIn the moment that the Spirit of comfort cameWho took the embers of isolation and fanned them into an unmissable flame
We鈥檇 all agree that a comforter is a great ideaIn a time when the world is governed by uncertainty and fearBut sentimental notions that it鈥檚 all going to be okayAre painfully insufficient when they have nothing concrete to say
But what about a presence that is anchored in eternity?That鈥檚 seen all of human history and knows the name of each one of us personally?That鈥檚 seen many wars and pandemics and tragedies and painAnd even in the midst of it all says 鈥淚t鈥檚 all going to be okay鈥
When Jesus left the earth he promised the Spirit would comeTo do what he couldn鈥檛 do and literally be everywhere at onceThis comforter speaks volumes when we have no idea what to sayAnd speaks on our behalf to God when we鈥檝e lost the energy to pray
He reminds us that God works for all the good of those he lovesAnd death doesn鈥檛 have the final word when all is said and doneAnd even as we鈥檙e waiting for the world to be set rightThis Holy Spirit draws near to us and holds us close and tight
And says that in the here and now we鈥檙e known and we are lovedThat peace is our inheritance as sons and daughters of GodNot because we are deserving but because of his compassionAnd we鈥檒l deeply feel in abundance his comfort everlasting

Item 5 - Song 2: Breathe On Me Breath Of God (ELIM SOUND RECORDING)

Item 6 - Intro to personal story
God gave us His Holy Spirit so that we can be assured of His presence in every season of life. He fills us with joy in times of celebration and He draws up close to bring solace in times of trouble. Do Bevan is a member of our church and now shares how she experienced the Holy Spirit drawing alongside to bring comfort in her darkest hour.聽

Item 7 - Personal story聽
I鈥檓 a Macmillan specialist nurse 鈥 and working in palliative care means I鈥檝e always known how much somebody鈥檚 life can change with one short sentence. One day, I found myself in the breast clinic, hearing those words myself: it was breast cancer. I always thought that if it ever happened to me it would be like my world would come crashing down.聽
Life had been going so well. My lovely husband of many years, Paul, always cared deeply for me and my daughters, and looked after us so well (even painting our toenails!!) Our two girls were now young adults: one working and the other really looking forward to going to university. I was happy in my job 鈥 and we were really involved in the joyful bustle of City Church life.聽

Now, everything had to change. It was so hard telling people I loved that I had cancer, and especially our girls Lois and Beth. But during this time, family and friends were amazing at giving us support and I found comfort in words from the Bible like Psalm 91: He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge. I really experienced a peace of the Holy Spirit 鈥 and like His Word says, it was a peace that passes all understanding. God was so good.聽 He was covering us with his wings as storms were raging in our lives.聽
But now, the storm got worse. During my treatment my husband was diagnosed with coronary heart disease and needed by-pass surgery urgently.聽 Again God gave us His peace and Paul was treated with stents.聽 We looked forward to returning to our lives again.聽 聽
I sensed God being with me through my treatment and following surgery I was told I wouldn鈥檛 need radiotherapy.聽 How I felt that day was unexplainable. God had brought us through!聽
But that day of good news all came to a crashing halt. Paul suffered a fatal heart attack and died that same night.聽
Our hearts were broken.聽 How could we go on without him? We were all in complete shock.聽
It鈥檚 not been an easy journey since then. But what鈥檚 been incredible is how God has kept reminding me to live for today, and I know the Bible says he will always be with me.聽
But there鈥檚 more than just words. In Wales, we talk about having a 鈥榗wtch鈥- a hug. Again and again, I have sensed God鈥檚 Holy Spirit 鈥榗wtching鈥 in to me, bringing me comfort and carrying me through. I have known that through good and bad, God鈥檚 love and presence are with me.

Item 8 - Song 3: God I Look To You 聽(ELIM SOUND RECORDING)

Item 9 - Bible Readings聽
The first reading is taken from John鈥檚 Gospel, chapter 14, beginning at verse 16.
I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever 鈥 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you鈥β The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

The second reading is taken from Romans chapter 8, beginning at verse 22.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.聽
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God鈥檚 people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Item 10 - Intro to song 4聽
Our readings, this Pentecost Sunday, have spoken of God the Holy Spirit as an Advocate who is with us forever and one who helps us in our weakness. In a few minutes our Senior Leaders Dominic and Catherine De Souza will speak after this well-known hymn, in which we declare: 鈥淭hine own dear presence, to cheer and to guide. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.鈥

Item 11 - Song 4: Great Is Thy Faithfulness聽(主播大秀 CITY CHURCH RECORDING)

Item 12 - Sermon part 1聽DOMINIC DE SOUZA
The Day of Pentecost marks the birth of the Christian Church 鈥 the day when God poured out His Holy Spirit upon ordinary people and empowered them to continue the work of Jesus. For us at City Church this is normally a huge celebration but of course - nothing at the moment is as we鈥檇 planned!
Still, we rejoice today because the original Pentecost was the day when God made it possible for all people - regardless of our circumstances, regardless of who we are or where we are from - to know and experience His presence and power.
Do鈥檚 story reminds us that even when our world is turned upside down, God鈥檚 presence is available through His Holy Spirit. The coronavirus crisis has confronted us all with the reality of our own weakness, fragility and vulnerability as humans - but the Pentecost message offers us great comfort at this time, for it is a beautiful reminder of the peace and presence of God the Holy Spirit even during times of difficulty, and also of His power that is available to us to be agents of healing in our world.
In our Scripture reading from Romans Chapter 8 this morning we read in verse 26: 鈥淚n the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness鈥.Christians can sometimes be guilty of viewing the Holy Spirit鈥檚 work exclusively through the lens of triumph 鈥 so it is only when things are going well that we believe God is blessing us.
Although God is no doubt at work in such times, this can lead to a lop-sided way of thinking if we are not careful, meaning we fail to access the Holy鈥檚 Spirit鈥檚 help in times of pain or problems, or don鈥檛 recognize His presence with us in the dark and difficult periods of life. But here in Romans 8 verse 26 we find an amazing promise about God鈥檚 help in times of weakness and weariness. It is a reminder that the Holy Spirit offers us supernatural support in periods of suffering and struggle 鈥 be it physical, mental, spiritual or emotional.

That support doesn鈥檛 always come in the form we might be expecting. I have had the privilege of seeing extraordinary miracles of healing when ordinary people have prayed in the power of the Holy Spirit. But I have also seen the miracle of endurance, with God giving people help to keep going through extraordinary trials 鈥 people who are totally assured of the goodness of God even when everything else around them seems to be saying something to the contrary.
I heard the story of a woman called Helen who was imprisoned for her faith in a country where Christians are persecuted. She was tortured and imprisoned in a metal shipping container for 32 months, freezing cold at night and baking hot by day. But even in the horror of her situation, she testified to experiencing the Holy Spirit with her, so much so that she was able to sing in worship to God every day of her imprisonment. Even in those awful circumstances God gave her the strength to endure.
Do 鈥 who we heard from earlier 鈥 experienced this when she felt God鈥檚 presence with her through her bereavement 鈥 even in her darkest moment she had the sure knowledge of God鈥檚 amazing love.This is the truth that Romans 8 verse 26 is proclaiming to us. That at those times in which we think God has been most absent He is actually most present. This is especially true when we are suffering or grieving. When we call upon Him, we can indeed know that He is here, as this next song proclaims.

Item 13 鈥 Song 5: Holy Ground 聽(ELIM SOUND RECORDING)

Item 14 - Sermon part 2聽DOMINIC DE SOUZA
Our reading from the letter to the Romans Chapter 8 also shows that the Holy Spirit does something remarkable: He intercedes for us. What this means is that when we cannot express ourselves even in prayer - when we hit that low point, when we find ourselves in trouble, when we are so low that we just can鈥檛 speak, God is there alongside us to strengthen us in the trial. He groans with us. He feels what we feel. He speaks for us. He comes with His presence and His Spirit fills us 鈥 if we invite Him by calling upon Him.
This reminds me of the name that Jesus gives the Holy Spirit that we read earlier from the Gospel of John Chapter 14 - it is the name ADVOCATE.The word 鈥淎dvocate鈥 is variously translated as 鈥淗elper鈥, 鈥淐omforter鈥, 鈥淓ncourager鈥 or 鈥淐ounsellor鈥. The literal translation of the Greek word is the 鈥渙ne called alongside鈥.The Spirit assures us that God is with us when we suffer or when we feel alone or when we are discouraged. In fact, whatever the circumstances - whether good or bad 鈥 the believer is promised that the Holy Spirit is the one constant who will always be there.The psalmist says in Psalm 139 verses 7-8:
7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

God doesn鈥檛 just help us from a distance. He carries us. He helps us from the position of being alongside us. This is the message of Christianity declared loudly in the Pentecost events 鈥 that God is not some distant, detached or disinterested deity 鈥 that through the Spirit of Jesus He has drawn near to us.
None of us are immune from the trials of life; we all face troubles that will cause grief and sorrow 鈥 recent global events have been a stark reminder of this. But the good news for those who have the Holy Spirit is that He will be right alongside us. He is the one who gives us power to bear up under suffering, the power to go for that next round of chemotherapy, the power to keep on going when our finances seem to be falling apart, the power to endure difficulty without losing hope. The Holy Spirit helps us in whatever trials we navigate - encouraging us, guiding us, comforting us, advocating for us.
In pain - He is alongside us. In grief - He is alongside us. In tragedy - He is alongside us. In financial pressures - He is alongside us. In loneliness - He is alongside us. In the coronavirus crisis - He is alongside us.
The Bible shows that suffering is a result of living in a broken world. And though there is a day coming when suffering will be eradicated, between now and then, let's recognise the role of the Holy Spirit to support us in such times. And let鈥檚 also recognise our role, through the empowering of the Holy Spirit, to be agents of healing and reconciliation in this broken world as we continue the ministry of Jesus in making things that are wrong, right.
In John Chapter 14 verse 27, Jesus says: 鈥淧eace I leave with you; my peace I give you鈥.聽 This is indeed our great comfort this Pentecost Sunday 鈥 that in a coronavirus-struck world, when we call out to Him, Jesus鈥 presence through His Holy Spirit in our lives can give us deep peace and enable us to be transmitters of that peace to others too.

Item 15 鈥 Song 6: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus聽(主播大秀 CITY CHURCH RECORDING)

Item 16 - Prayers
Heavenly Father, we are grateful that when Jesus left the earth to return to your presence, you sent us another Comforter to help us and to be with us forever. In every situation we face, may we experience the guidance and strength of your Holy Spirit.
In this time of global crisis, we pray for our nation. We pray for our leaders - the Queen, our government and all those in authority. Grant them your wisdom and favour to lead us through this time of challenge.聽

We pray for all those involved in helping our nation to recover from the effects of the coronavirus - give strength to our health workers and all those on the frontline.聽
We bring before you all who are mourning the loss of loved ones and those struggling with anxiety and sickness. Bring your healing and comfort through the power of your Holy Spirit.

We pray for those around the world who are most vulnerable in this crisis - those living in poverty, those who have physical and mental health issues, those for whom the coronavirus crisis is not the only crisis they are facing. Lord, stir us to be agents of your love and justice in this world, to care for those most in need.
Thank You Father for giving us your Son Jesus Christ. We confess that He is Lord and believe that you raised Him from the dead so that we could experience eternal life. May His example of selfless love and devotion be our inspiration. So we take His words and pray:

Item 17 - Lord鈥檚 Prayer聽
Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed by your name.Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever, Amen.

Item 18 - Intro to song 6聽
On this Pentecost Sunday we pray you will experience the life-giving power and comfort of the Holy Spirit. We close our service with our recording of the song 鈥淥 Praise The Name鈥 which declares our faith in Jesus - His death, His resurrection and His coming again.聽

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen.

Item 19 - Song 6: O Praise The Name 聽(主播大秀 CITY CHURCH RECORDING)


  • Sun 31 May 2020 08:10

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