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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 13

Grigory and Ruta are in Paris as part of the Soviet delegation. Everyone is waiting for the results of the negotiations.

Grigory and Ruta are in Paris as part of the Soviet delegation. Everyone is waiting for the results of the negotiations. Grigory meets German journalist Gaby Goetz with whom he had an affair many years ago.

Tha Grigory agus Ruta ann am Paris mar phàirt den bhuidheann-riochdachaidh Shovietach. Tha gach taobh air bhioran airson naidheachd toraidhean am barganachadh. Tha Grigory a’ tachairt ris an neach-naidheachd Gearmailteach Gaby Goetz leis an robh càirdeas gaol aige bliadhnaichean air ais.

In Russian with English Subtitles

48 minutes
