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Episode 77 of 104

Tha cùisean a' dol frog le Bing nuair a tha tubaist aige le fòn-làimhe Flop. Things go wrong for Bing when he has an accident with Flop’s mobile phone.

Nuair a tha Bing a’ cluich geama le fòn-làimhe Flop, chaneil rudan a’ dol mar bu chòir oir tha am fòn-làimhe a' briseadh nuair a tha e dol na sgeing air an làr. An àite seo innse do Flop, tha Bing ga chuir dhan bhiona. Tha e faireachdainn cho dona mun seo ach tha e ag ionnsachadh gum feum e innse mar a thachair.

When Bing is playing a game with Flop’s mobile phone, he accidentally drops the mobile and it breaks. Instead of telling Flop, he throws it in the bin. He feels upset about it all and learns that it’s best to tell the truth.

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Bing Benny Walsh
Flop Iain Mackinnon
