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Marisa ‘Mar a’ Ghaoth’/Teletransportilda

Episode 7 of 52

Matilda and Charlie are having fun thanks to Matilda’s power, which allows her to teletransport to the forest every time she feels hungry.

Tha tòrr spòrs aig Marisa agus Teàrlach le cumhachd Marisa, is i ga toirt fhèin chun na coille gach turas a bhitheas i faireachdainn acrach. Tha Ceannard MacArtair a’ faighinn a-mach mun chumhachd aig Marisa nuair a tha e ga faicinn a’ dol a-mach à sealladh. Tha e ga cur an greim agus ga cur gu deuchainn-lann shaidheansail son an dol a-mach neònach aice. Tha e cuideachd ag innse dhan h-uile duine mu na cumhachdan aice: rud a tha uabhasach cunnartach do Mharisa.

Matilda and Charlie are having fun thanks to Matilda’s power, which allows her to teletransport to the forest every time she feels hungry. This unusual behaviour is discovered by Chief Astudillo, who doesn’t take his eyes off of her until he sees her teletransporting. In light of this unusual event, he decides to arrest her and not only send her to a scientific laboratory, but also let everybody know about her powers -something very dangerous for Matilda.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions Ltd
