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Beatha Dhìomhair nan Craobh/The Secret Life of Trees

Episode 12 of 52

Matilda and her friends are camping. As she enters the forest, Matilda touches a tree and it comes to life.

Tha Marisa agus a caraidean a’ campachadh sa choille. Nuair a tha Marisa a’ dol a-steach dhan choille, tha i a’ buintinn do chraobh agus tha a’ chraobh sin a’ tighinn beò. Tha cumhachd Marisa a’ ciallachadh gun urrainn do chraobhan bruidhinn agus tha i ag ionnsachadh mun rùn-dìomhair aca: gur e spriolagan proifeiseanta a th’ annta, oir gach turas a thuiteas duine seachad air freumh na craoibhe, is e iadsan a tha air an leagail.

As Matilda and her friends enter the forest where they are camping, Matilda touches a tree and it comes to life. Thanks to her power, trees can talk and Matilda learns their secret: trees are professional pranksters, as every time we stumble over a root, it’s actually them tripping us.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions Ltd
