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Co-là breith

Episode 88 of 104

Tha pàrtaidh co-là breith Bing ann an-diugh. It’s Bing’s birthday party today.

Chan eil Bing idir toilichte nuair a tha Pando a’ dèanamh gnothaichean ann an dòigh eadar-dhealaichte ris-an aig a’ phàrtaidh co-là breith ach, gu fortanach, tha Flop ag ionnsachadh dha gu bheil sin ceart gu leòr.

Bing is not happy when Pando doesn’t do things the same way as he does at his birthday party. Fortunately, Flop is on hand to show that it is fine when people do things differently to him.

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Bing Benny Walsh
Flop Iain Mackinnon
Sula Holly Duffy
