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Tha Marisa a’ Fàs Mòr/Grow up, Matilda

Episode 21 of 52

Matilda wakes up with a big pimple on her face. She decides not to go out to avoid being mocked by people.

Tha Marisa a’ dùsgadh le guirean mòr air a h-aodann. Tha i roghnachadh fuireach a-staigh gus nach bi daoine a’ magadh oirre. Air sgàth cumhachd Marisa, tha an guirean a’ tighinn beò mar uilebheist agus tha e a’ dol timcheall a’ toirt ghuireanan dhan h-uile duine is ag adhbharachadh ùpraid mhòr.

Matilda wakes up with a big pimple on her face. She decides not to go out to avoid being mocked by people. Because of Matilda’s power, the pimple comes to life. As if it was a little monster, it starts covering everybody with pimples, thus unleashing chaos.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions
