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Dare to Repair; Terrariums; New Cars

How do we turn around our throw away culture into a make do and mend one? And, why Terrariums, little gardens in a glass container, are really popular again.

When we're allowed to go on holiday we'll still be doing Covid tests on departure, arrival and when we come back again. So what are the rules? How much will tests cost? And why does it seem it will be much more costly in the UK than some other countries?

Do you Dare to Repair? Most of us don't; we chuck away our electricals the moment they stop working and buy new. But everyone knows that cannot carry on. What would it take for us to transform our throw away culture into one that dares to repair first?

We have never been more connected as a society but some events can still see us isolate and alone and no amount of social media contact is apparently of much use. Surviving the death of a long standing partner is one of those events. We speak to a woman coming to terms with her husband's death a year after he died from Covid 19.

They are the hot new indoor accessory- terrariums, or miniature gardens in glass tanks. They're all the rage among some young urban flat dwellers with displays and plants changing hands for thousands of pounds.

Customers of Whirlpool white goods have had a tough few years. First dryers were bursting into flames and now working washing machines that were replaced because of a recall are breaking down.

if you are hoping to buy a new car or van this year you may have to wait a lot longer than normal because of a shortage of microchips throughout the industry. The automotive business uses 10% of global production but they were caught out by demand from elsewhere and now don't have enough to use in new models.

Presenter: Winifred Robinson
Producer: Kevin Mousley

Available now

39 minutes


  • Thu 6 May 2021 12:18



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