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An Ìre as Àirde/Level Up Matilda!

Episode 31 of 52

Matilda's power makes her and Charlie end up inside the video game they are playing.

Tha an cumhachd aig Marisa ga cur fhèin is Teàrlach am broinn a’ gheama bhideo a tha iad a’ cluich, agus tha iad mar charactaran anns a’ gheama. ’S e an trioblaid gu bheil gach rud a nì iad anns a’ gheama a’ toirt buaidh air an t-saoghal fhìor cuideachd.

Matilda's power makes her and Charlie end up inside the video game they are playing. They become the game characters, but all the actions they perform within the game have a direct impact on real life.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Production Company Solus Productions
