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Na Suinn a’ Sabaid

Tha fuasgladh aig Sgallan - aon bhuidheann mòr de mhèirlich a stèidheachadh. Sgallan has a plan - to form one large band of robbers.

Tha plana aig Sgallan – an dà bhuidheann de mhèirlich a thoirt còmhla. Ach, cò bhios na Cheannard? Mata no Borca? Feumaidh iad sabaid le chèile airson buannaiche a stèidheachadh

Sgallan has a plan - the two bands of robbers to unite, but who will be the leader? Mata or Borca? They will have to fight to establish the winner.

25 minutes


Role Contributor
Ronia Eilidh Cormack
Aithris Angela MacEachen
Biorc Ellen Macdonald
Mata Calum MacDonald
