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Crypto Boom, Pensions Dashboard and Nightclubbing

The Financial Conduct Authority has revealed a boost to crypto currency ownership while the high street is banking on football and dads to drive consumers toshops this weekend.

The financial conduct authority says there's been strong growth in crypto currency ownership but they are worried by the level ignorance about the risks of dabbling in the highly volatile assets

Nightclubbing remains on hold but when they eventually open their doors what will have changed; will people stay away or be queuing around the block ?

Three quarters of us use an App for our banking but only 4% manage their pensions online. In future, with people likely to collect multiple pensions in their working life, the pensions industry think we should all be managing pensions online and they are working to produce a 'dashboard' to help us do that.

In the Pandemic tens of thousands of us started up 'side-hustles' making and selling from home. Everything from chocolate to wedding dresses - we meet some people who tell us about how they unexpectedly became entrepreneurs.

High street shops have had a mixed experience since the shops re-opened at the end of March. After a strong re-opening customers moved spending to pubs and restaurants when they opened and sales have been disappointing since but retailers are hoping the double whammy of the England, Scotland and Wales competing at Euro 2020 and Father's day will get the tills ringing again this weekend.

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39 minutes


  • Fri 18 Jun 2021 12:18



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