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Club nam Ban/Ladies Club

Brush decides to start a ladies club and invites all the ladies of the forest for brunch.

Tha Feòrag a’ stèidheachadh club nam ban agus a’ toirt cuireadh gu greim bìdh dhan h-uile leadaidh. Tha Sionnach is Tosg a’ feuchainn ri faighinn a-steach le bhith gan sgeadachadh fhèin mar leadaidhean, ach nuair a thuigeas Feòrag cò iad, tha an dithis a’ faighinn a’ bhròig. Tha an tàmailt a’ toirt air Sionnach is Tosg smaoineachadh mu chlub nam fear a chur air chois, ach saoil an aontaich iad air cur-seachad a chòrdas riutha uile?

Brush decides to start a ladies club and invites all the ladies of the forest for brunch. When Fox and Tusk try to join in, dressed as ladies, Brush soon discovers their true identity and kicks them out. Offended, Fox and Tusk decide to start a men’s club. But can they come up with a club activity that everyone likes?

24 days left to watch

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions


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