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Iagan MacNeil explores the Fife Coastal Path, from Dysart to Elie. Tha Iagan MacNèill a’coiseachd cladach Fìobha, bhon Dìseart gu Ealaidh.

Iagan MacNeil explores the history, geology, scenery - and Gaelic - from the Kincardine Bridge to Newburgh.
The 117 mile-long route passes through industrial sites old and new, picturesque fishing towns in the East Neuk, St Andrews the home of golf, nature reserves and plenty of beautiful beaches.

Iagan visits the lovely towns of Dysart and West Wemyss, and finds out all about the ancient Pictish carvings in the Wemyss Caves. He crosses the Bawbee Bridge into Leven and visits the town’s Silverburn Park. Iagan also braves the Elie chain walk and finds out about Fife’s Gaelic connections past and present.

San t-sreath seo air Cuairt Chladach Fìobha, tha Iagan MacNèill a’coiseachd cladach Fìobha, a’lorg eachdraidh, creag-eòlais, seallaidhean agus freumhaichean Gàidhlig eadar Drochaid Chinn Chàrdainn agus Newburgh.

Tha ceud sa seachd-deug mìle coiseachd roimhe, tro làraich gnìomhachais sean is ùr, puirt iasgaich bhòidheach san Oisean an Ear, dachaigh a’ghoilf ann an Cill Rìmhinn, teàrmainn nàdair agus tràighean brèagha gu leòr.

Sa phrògram seo tha Iagan a’tadhal air bailtean brèagha An Dìseart agus Uamhais an iar: gheibh e mach na tha ri ionnsachadh mun snaidheadh-cloiche a dh’fhàg na Cruithni ann an uamhannan Uamhais. Gabhaidh e null air Drochaid a Bhuinn-a-sia gu Lìobhann, is gabhaidh e timchioll Pàirc Silverburn sa bhaile sin. Nì e an gnothaich air Cuairt-chàbaill Ealaidh! Agus cluinnidh e mun Ghàidhlig ann am Fìobh, an-dè is an-diugh.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes



Role Contributor
Presenter Iagan MacNeil
Director Peter Macqueen
Producer Julie McCrone
