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How should I prepare my son for adolescence?

This week, our guest Lavinia wonders how she can equip her son for the next stage of life.

The relationship between the sexes is high on the agenda thanks to the revelations of school harassment on Everyone's Invited, children's increasing exposure to porn and hashtags like #NotAllMen. But how are parents navigating this complex area? In this four part series of Bringing Up Britain, Anjula Mutanda sets out to find answers. She explores whether stereotypes matter, how to prepare boys for adolescence, the pros and cons of single sex education and how to parent children through the complexities of online harassment and abuse.

In this episode, Anjula speaks to Lavinia, a mother of two boys aged 5 and 10 who wants to know how to prepare her older son for the world he's entering, while protecting him from life's harsh realities. While there has rightly been a huge focus on girls' wellbeing in recent years, are boys being left behind, or even discriminated against? Anjula brings together a series of experts from psychologists, to teachers and child development experts to explore just what boys on the cusp of adolescence are facing today.

Producer: Ellie Bury

Available now

43 minutes


  • Wed 22 Sep 2021 20:00
  • Sat 25 Sep 2021 22:15