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Product Safety; Inheritance; Christmas Lights

Consumer Minister Paul Scully responds to calls for tighter regulation of online marketplaces amid product safety concerns.

As the Government announces it is testing more than 1,000 products to help make sure that presents given at Christmas are safe Winifred Robinson talks to the Consumer Minister Paul Scully about calls for tighter regulation of online marketplaces and concerns about product safety raised by a cross party group of MPs.

When it comes to home ownership, inheritance is now a make-or-break for many people trying to get a foot on the ladder. Research from the Building Society Association, released to You and Yours, shows that over half of people surveyed believe older people should offer financial help to their children or grandchildren to buy a first home. Winifred Robinson talks to Paul Broadhead from the BSA and Lindsay Judge, from the Resolution Foundation, about their report 'Hope To Buy', which shows that youth home ownership has fallen massively, about what needs to change.

Christmas lights are shining bright up and down the county, but last month there were some negative headlines when the chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dark Skies suggested people should consider toning them down this festive season. But how much energy do these displays waste - and is it really a waste if we're brightening up our streets for just a few weeks and bringing smiles to faces in these dark times? Bob Walker reports.

Catherine Earlam

Winifred Robinson

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39 minutes


  • Mon 13 Dec 2021 12:18



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