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Cridhe na Craoibhe/The Heart of the Tree

Episode 3 of 10

Tha Calum air bàta a’ dol tarsainn Loch Nis a’ lorg cuspair air leth airson dealbh. Calum takes a boat across Loch Ness to search for a special subject for his next photo.

Tha Calum MacIlleathain air ais le sreath ùr a’ sealltainn a' ghràidh a th' aige air cur-seachadan a-muigh agus a’ togail dhealbhan sònraichte. A’ ghabhail a steach cuid de na h-àiteachan as bòidhche san dùthaich bidh gach prògram a’ leanntainn Chaluim air turas inntinneach a dh’ ionnsaigh dealbhan annasach.

Tha feum aig Calum air diofar dhòighean còmhdhail gus faighinn chun a h-uile àite eadar-dhealaichte far a bheil e a’ tadhal – rothair-beinne, bàtaichean, a’ coiseachd air cnuic agus a’ snàmh. Agus air a shlighe, chì e cothroman airson dhealbhan a thogail.
Feumaidh Calum sealltainn gu bheil e eòlach air raon farsaing de sgilean camara ach aig a’ cheann thall, tha na dealbhan mìorbhaileach a’ tighinn bho shùil gheur Chaluim!

Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha Calum air bàta a’ dol tharais air Loch Nis a’ sìreadh cuspair sonraichte airson an ath dhealbh aige.

Calum Maclean is back with another series sharing his love of the outdoors with a search for outstanding photos. This series follows Calum showcasing some of the best scenery that the country has to offer. Every programme follows Calum on a gripping trip to a special photo.

The varied locations in each programme mean that Calum needs to use various methods of travel - mountain biking, hill walking, paddleboarding and of course, swimming. Along the way he spots unique photos to illustrate his journey.

Over the series, Calum has to show his familiarity with a wide range of photographic skills and techniques such as long exposures, underwater and astrophotography, but in the end it’s Calum’s keen eye that brings remarkable results.

In this episode, Calum takes a boat across Loch Ness to search for a very special subject for his next photo.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

8 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Calum Maclean
