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Mika – A’ Cumail mo Choille Beò!

Episode 7 of 9

Tha Mika gu math draghail mun choille agus tha e ’son a sàbhaladh. Mika is very worried about the forest and he want to save it.

Tha tòrr rudan a’ dèanamh sgrios air a’ choille, mar eisimpleir daolagan rùisg, gnàth-shìde, ‘s tha Mika draghail oir ’s ann o chraobhan a bhios sinn a’ faighinn ar n-ogsaidean. Ri linn sin, tha Mika airson craobhan a chur ’s an coille a shàbhaladh.

Many things are destroying the forest, for example bark beetles and climate change and, as we draw our oxygen from trees, Mika is worried. As a result of this, Mika wants to save the forest by planting trees.

15 minutes
