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Stoirm nach Tàinig

Tha Troig a’ toirt a' char à Bògais-shìd’ ’s e ri ro-innse mun stoirm – dè an stoirm? Troig plays a trick on Bògais-shìd’ when he forecasts the storm - what storm?

Nuair tha Bonns is Uilidh a' sàbhaladh Throig bhon Bhògais-shìd’, tha e uabhasach neo-thaingeil. Cho neo-thaingeil ‘s gu bheil e a' tilleadh air ais chun na Bògaisean. Ach tha e ag ionnsachadh gu bheil caraidean feumail aig a' cheann thall!

When Bonns and Uilidh save Troig from Bògais-shìd’, he is very ungrateful. So much so, that he returns to see the Bògaisean. However, he learns that friends are helpful, at the end of the day!

12 minutes
