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A’ Saoradh Granaidh/Breaking Gran

Gran has been particularly naughty lately and is sentenced to a stay in an old people’s home. The home is the stuff of nightmares for Gran, and it’s up to the Spuds to break her free.

Tha Granaidh air a bhith uabhasach mì-mhodhail bho chionn ghoirid is mar bhinn tha Iain, am poileasman, ga cur gu dachaigh sheann daoine. Tha Granaidh dhen bheachd gu bheil e coltach ri prìosan agus tha e an urra ris a’ chòrr dhen teaghlach a saoradh às.

Gran has been particularly naughty lately and is sentenced to a stay in an old people’s home. The home is the stuff of nightmares for Gran, and it’s up to the Spuds to break her free.

11 minutes
