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Episode 16 of 52

Tha Sonaidh air cuilean beag a lorg ach ciamar a chleitheas e seo bho Elaina? Sonny has got a little puppy, but how can he hide this from Elaina?

Nuair a tha na caraidean air cuilean beag a lorg, feumar an naidheachd seo a chumail dìomhair bho Elaina oir cha chòrd seo rithe. Cuideachd, tha coltas draghail air Belle. Dè tha ceàrr oirre-se? An e farmad a th’ ann?

When the friends have found a little puppy, they need to keep this news from Elaina as she would not approve. Also, Belle doesn’t look happy. What’s wrong with her? Is she envious?

12 minutes
