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Rìgh an Ath-chuairteachaidh/King of the Dump

School puts Dave on a work placement with his dad at the local dump.

Tha an sgoil a’ cur Pòl air greis-gnìomhnachais còmhla ri athair aig an dump. An sin tha Pòl ag ionnsachadh tòrr mu sgudal, is tha seann dèideag de bhò agus fridsichean neo-rianail a’ toirt air smaoineachadh mu dheidhinn ath-chuairteachadh.

School puts Dave on a work placement with his dad at the local dump. Sucked into the mysterious world of rubbish, an old cow and a group of unruly fridges teach Dave a lesson about recycling.

11 minutes
