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Episode 1

Le ar n-àrainneachd ag atharrachadh, dè na ceumannan practaigeach as urrain dhuinn gabhail? What does climate change mean for Scotland and what progress is being made towards net zero?

’S e 2023 am bliadhna as teotha riamh clàraichte, a-rèir an luchd-saidheans. Le ar n-àrainneachd ag atharrachadh, tha riaghaltas na h-Alba airson na gasaichean taigh-glainne is cothrach ri blàthachadh na cruinne a thoirt sìos gu net zero ro 2045.

Anns an t-sreath seo, tha Màiri Rodgers a dol air slighe air feadh Alba a dh’ fhaicinn dè na ceumannan practaigeach as urrain dhuinn fhèin gabhail gu pearsanta, nar coimhearsnachdan agus nar gnìomhachasan gus lorg carboin a’ lùghdachadh.
Anns a’ chiad phrògram, tha Màiri a’ leantainn an teaghlach Harper à Inbhir Nis a tha a' dèanamh an dìcheall gus an lorg carboin aca a lughdachadh. Tha i a’ tadhal air ionad ath-chuairteachaidh, a’ toirt sùil air modhan còmhdhail is taigheadas, agus a faicinn mar a tha an cladach a’ crìonadh anns na h-eileanan. Dè dìreach tha seo a’ ciallachadh dhuinn ann an Alba agus an gabh amasan 2045 a choileanadh?

2023 was the hottest year on record, according to climate scientists. To tackle climate change, the Scottish government has committed to reduce greenhouse gases that cause global warming to Net Zero by 2045. In this two-part series, Mairi Rodgers goes on a journey across Scotland to discover the practical ways individuals, communities and businesses are trying to reduce emissions.

In the first episode, Mairi follows the Harper family in Inverness as they take steps to reduce their own carbon footprint. She finds out ways they could reduce their energy costs, visits a recycling plant, looks at transport and housing, and discovers the impact coastal erosion is having on communities in the Western Isles. What does all this mean for Scotland, and are the ambitious net zero goals of 2045 achievable?

In Gaelic with English subtitles

58 minutes


Tue 1 Oct 2024 21:00

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