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Toyah & Robert

Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald welcome you to the second day at Belladrum 2024 as Toyah & Robert perform on the main stage at the festival.

Belladrum 2024 Ep 9/33 (iPlayer only)

Toyah agus Robert aig Belladrum 2024.
Toyah and Robert at Belladrum 2024.

Toyah agus Robert le seata beòthail bhon phrìomh àrd-ùrlar aig Belladrum 2024.
Toyah and Robert with an energetic set from the main stage at Belladrum 2024

Fiona NicChoinnich agus Niall Iain Dòmhnallach a’ cur fàilte oirbh chun an dàrna latha aig Belladrum 2024 le Toyah & Robert air prìomh àrd-ùrlar na Fèise. Às dèidh ceathrad bliadhna ann an saoghal a’ chiùil, tharraing am fear is bean seo aire an t-sluaigh a-rithist aig àm a’ ghlasaidh nuair a sgaoil na bhidiothan ciùil aca fad is farsaing. Bhon uair sin tha iad air a bhith air chuairtean ’s a’ tàladh luchd-leantainn ùr, air stèidse agus air-loidhne.

Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald welcome you to the second day at Belladrum 2024 as Toyah & Robert perform on the main stage at the festival. After four decades in music, the husband-and-wife duo came to public attention again during the lockdown when their music videos went viral. Since then, they’ve been touring and pulling in new audiences, onstage and online.

Release date:

30 minutes