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A’ Chraobh Chabach/The Mocking Tree

Episode 7 of 8

Celestine and her mouse friends are looking for a place to build a tree house in the forest.

Tha Ealasaid is a caraidean a’ siubhal àite airson taigh-craoibhe a thogail anns a’ choille. Ach tha a’ chraobh a thaghas iad a’ tòiseachadh ri bruidhinn, is tha i a’ magadh orra! Chan fhada gus a bheil an naidheachd a’ sgaoileadh mun bhaile, is ag adhbharachadh ùpraid.

Celestine and her mouse friends are looking for a place to build a tree house in the forest. But the tree they choose starts talking, and it is very much mocking them! The mystery has not yet been solved, and the news is already spreading in town, causing chaos.

11 minutes
