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This is a male osprey, that Roy Dennis from the RSPB ringed when it was a chick. The bird is now 14 years old, a good age, but they can survive to be 20. The female isn't ringed, but the researchers think she is about 10 years old. This pair have been together for seven years and in that time they have raised 18 chicks. This year, their nest has three eggs which are being incubated by the female. The male bird’s duty is to provide the female with food while she is incubating, when he returns to the nest, she takes the food away to eat, while he looks after the eggs. When she returns she tries to budge him off the eggs, screeching at him as if to say, ‘Your job is to find the food, my job is to incubate the eggs!’. Eventually, he takes the hint and moves away.

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