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Coronation Street "doesn't reflect life anymore" says Martin Shaw

Coronation Street "doesn't reflect life anymore" and suffers from the speed with which it has to be made, actor Martin Shaw has said.

The Inspector George Gently star said "the joy" of the long running soap "at the beginning and in the great days of Coronation Street was that "it did reflect the life of those people who lived there".

Martin Shaw, who appeared in the soap for six weeks as a "hippy" friend of character Lucille Hewitt in the 1960's, said the soap was then more respected by actors and has become a victim of the speed at which it has to be made, "It's not a derogatory opinion of it as a drama or of the actors or anything in it," he said.

"If you have to produce something at that sort of rate then the quality inevitably suffers."

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