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Secret State

The secretive world of spies and state security systems of the 20th Century

The secretive world of spies and state security systems of the 20th Century.

Hermann Arndt, also known as Zvi Aharoni, was an agent of Mossad and and was part of the team that captured Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.

Mata Hari was a spy for the Germans who became a double agent for the French during World War I.

Human rights lawyer Juan Mendez was arrested, imprisoned and tortured as part of Operation Condor, set up by General Pinochet.

Chingiz Abdullayev supplied security for spies in the Soviet Union.

Ruth Goldberg stood for election of president of her local parent-teacher association during the McCarthy era in the US. She was denounced as a left-wing activist.

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29 minutes