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To Alexander Cunningham

My godlike Friend - nay do not stare,
You think the phrase is odd like;
But 'God is love', the Saints declare,
Then surely thou art Godlike.

And is thy Ardour still the same?
And kindled still at Anna?
Others may boast a partial flame,
But thou art a Volcano.

Even Wedlock asks not Love beyond
Death's tie-dissolving Portal;
But thou, omnipotently fond,
May'st promise Love Immortal.

Prudence, the Bottle and the Stew
Are fam'd for Lovers curing:
Thy Passion nothing can subdue,
Nor Wisdom, Wine nor Whoring.

Thy Wounds such healing powers defy;
Such Symptoms dire attend them,
That last great Antihectic try,
Marriage, perhaps, may mend them.

Sweet Anna has an air, a grace,
Divine magnetic touching!
She takes, she charms - but who can trace
The process of bewitching?

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1 minute

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