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Scots Ballad

My heart is wae and unco wae,
To think upon the raging sea,
That roars between her gardens green,
And th' bonie lass of ALBANIE.-

This lovely maid's of noble blood,
That ruled Albion's kingdoms three;
But Oh, Alas! For her bonie face!
They hae wrang'd the lass of ALBANIE!-

In the rolling tide of spreading Clyde
There sits an isle of high degree;
And a town of fame whose princely name
Should grace the lass of ALBANIE.-

But there is a youth, a witless youth,
That fills the place where she should be,
We'll send him o-er to his native shore,
And bring our ain sweet ALBANIE.-

Alas the day, and woe the day,
A false Usurper wan the gree,
That now commands the towers and lands,
The royal right of ALBANIE.-

We'll daily pray, we'll nightly pray,
On bended knees most ferventlie,
That the time may come, with pipe and drum,
We'll welcome home fair ALBANIE.-

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1 minute

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