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Claudia and Alan - Living After Loss

Claudia and Alan recall how they coped with the loss of someone close to them both

Alan shares a conversation about the loss of his wife Louise with her friend Claudia. Louise died on the 19th of May, 2013. It was 5-months after being diagnosed with terminal bone cancer in December 2012. She had suffered from a rare form of bone cancer called Dedifferentiated Adamantinoma in her left leg since 2004, but despite several amputations and operations, she'd continued to live her life to the fullest degree possible.

Louise started to write about her experiences and this led to the blog: Her story received attention from readers all over the world, and this network of support helped Alan immensely after she died. So did Lou's friends. Claudia was one of those friends.

Claudia and Louise had met when they both worked at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe office. Claudia recalls Lou always checking in on her and asking her why she was still in the office when she should be out enjoying life. Louise was a very private person and kept her illness to herself, so Claudia didn't know that she'd already battled cancer for several years at that point. She never wanted it to be the thing people associated her with. She wanted to live life and loved to travel and socialise. She once wrote about buying sandals and looked forward to wearing them in summer. She said she wasn't buying shoes, she was buying hope.

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4 minutes

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