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The toughest bird on the bill

As winter approaches, for some birders, purple sandpipers will become a must-see on Britain's coastlines. These masters of speed, agility and awareness live in coastal areas in a few places around the British Isles. They only join us during the winter months, spending their time feeding on crustaceans and molluscs - one eye on the food, the other on the ferocious waves destined to wipe them out if should they move too late.

The RSPB say "good places to spot them include "around the coast, particularly on the east coast north of the Humber. A good place to look can be around piers and groynes, and also on stony beaches and mussel beds at low tide."

They can be found in larger numbers around Orkney and Shetland, but purple sandpipers become rarer the further south you go. The ones we filmed regularly return to Portland, the southernmost point of Dorset. Whilst there they'll battle strong winds, large waves and some unpleasant winter weather. They really are hardy birds.

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43 seconds