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132. On the Plus Side, Paella with Helen Lewis

Fi and Jane are back with Fortunately as per usual and at a safe distance. Their guest this week is the writer Helen Lewis.

Fi and Jane are back with Fortunately and taking the necessary health precautions. Their guest this week is the writer Helen Lewis.

Fi and Jane met up at a safe social distance Monday 16th March to debrief on last week's episode, daydream about a certain MI6 agent with a landline and find out just what's getting Fi's goat about our new global situation.

They were then joined by writer and Radio 4 host Helen Lewis, whose new book explores feminist figures through history and how they deserve to be revisited as the Difficult Women they were. You can also expect forays into marital matters, Spanish pop stars and water contaminations in the Worcester area during the 90s.

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49 minutes
