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Iona Ballantyne welcomes Claire Nelson, CEO of Strathclyde Sirens and Netball Scotland. Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fàilte Claire Nelson dhan stiùidio.

Iona Ballantyne welcomes Claire Nelson, CEO of Strathclyde Sirens and Netball Scotland, back to the 360 studio this week. They discuss all the latest news from the Vitality Netball Superleague, and Strathclyde Sirens star Claire Maxwell talks to 360 about her return to the court following maternity leave. And on the track, SWiS Young Sportswomen of the Year Katie Johnson talks about her career ambitions, and of course, her award success.

Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fàilte air àrd-oifigear na Strathclyde Sirens agus Ball-Lìn Alba, Claire Nelson dhan stiùidio an t-seachdain sa. Bruidhinnidh ud mun Vitality Superleague Ball-Lìn. Tha rionnag na Strathclyde Sirens Claire Maxwell a’ bruidhinn ri 360 às dèidh bliadhna air falbh bhon a spòrs an uair a bha pàiste aice. Agus, tha ban Albannach òg spòrs na bliadhna, Katie Johnson ag innse mu na h-amasan aice sa dreuchd, agus cuideachd, mun duais a thog i bho chionn ghoirid.

Release date:

30 minutes
