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Rugby’s concussion crisis – do the sport’s risks outweigh its rewards?

Can rugby union do more to combat the threat of concussion and long-term brain damage?

Crushing tackles and full-on collisions are part of the spectacle of modern day rugby – but at what cost to players’ health?

With a new season underway, we’ll be taking a closer look at the concussion cloud hanging over the sport.

We hear from former Wales flanker Alix Popham, who was diagnosed with early-onset dementia at the age of 40 and is among of group of former players suing the game’s authorities for negligence.

Dr Eanna Falvey, chief medical officer of World Rugby, outlines the sport’s latest measures to protect its players. But with growing concern across the rugby community, does the sport need to adapt to safeguard its future?

Presenters: Sarah Mulkerrins, Dan Roan, Chris Jones

Producer: Sam Sheringham

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1 hour, 1 minute

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