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What are the public health consequences of India's smog?

The Indian capital New Delhi has brought into force emergency measures to deal with a thick, noxious blanket of smog that's enveloped the city.

All schools are to close except for pupils taking final exams. An alternate number plate system will be introduced, halving the number of days on which cars can drive in the city. Diesel vehicles and commercial trucks have already been banned, as has construction work.

But many residents are left wondering what's being done to tackle the effects of the problem.

Bhargav Krishna is an expert on environmental health and policy based in Delhi. He told Newshour's James Menendez about the impact that this is having on people's health.

(Photo shows people walking on a street engulfed in heavy smog in New Delhi, India on 4 November 2023. Credit: Rajat Gupta/EPA)

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