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27. Gladiator Beans

Your weekly seasonal guide to a successful allotment.

Down to earth gardening advice on growing your own fruit and vegetables with allotment gardener Terry Walton from his plot in the Rhondda Valley.
It's time to put the carrots in the ground, and after several weeks without rain, the watering can is brought out of hibernation!
Terry shares his secret for getting the best out of runner beans, it involves a sealable plastic bag, some good compost and a nice warm room. The varieties he's chosen are called Benchmaster, Firestorm, Moonlight and Cobra - names that wouldn't sound out of place in a gladiator battle.
And if you're growing any of the squash family, whether that's courgettes, pumpkins or butternut squash, now is the time to sow them.

To help plan your own sowing and harvesting, you can download Terry's Crop Calendar - go online and search for Terry Walton's Plotcast and you'll see the link.
If you have a question about your own crop, you can e mail

Producer: Lynda Shahwan

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15 minutes